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I Love a Good Quote

An entire wall in my guest bathroom is covered with one from ceiling to floor.  Actually, it’s the lyrics from Rapper’s Delight, but it’s still a quote. I love hearing a guest laugh as she shuts the powder room door to use the potty for the first time.

Experts believe the average person has somewhere around 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts each day. Here’s the important part: of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. I’m no scientist, but I think what a good quote can do is interrupt that thought pattern and replace your repetitive, mostly negative dialogue with a more powerful and positive one. This can really come in handy when you’re going through a tough time. Like say, divorce. Or dealing with a pandemic.

There are great quotes everywhere. Today Show co-host Hoda Kobt has a collection of them (one for every day of the year) in her new book, I Really Needed This Today. I read it and immediately thought of you, dear DIGC reader. (And no, this is not a sponsored post. I just really like her book!)

Here are a few I thought you might like:

· You’ve always had the power.  You had to learn it for yourself.

· Never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down. (So true!)

· Trust yourself.  You’ve survived a lot and you’ll survive what’s coming.

· Be an encourager.  The world has plenty of critics already.

· A ship in port is safe.  But that’s not what ships are built for. (I repeat this to myself on most days.)

· Online shopping:  Because it’s frowned upon to be in a store with no bra, sweatpants, and a glass of wine. (LOL)

So if you need a little help reinventing the thoughts in your mind - and who doesn’t - pull up some of your favorite quotes. Then pay it forward by sharing the ones that move you with the people around you. You never know whose thoughts you might change for the better with just a few words. 



May 22, 2020

I loved Untamed too. Glennon Doyle has such a gift with words. Thanks for sharing her quote!


May 20, 2020

I just finished reading "Untamed" which I highly recommend. This was a great quote from the book about marriage / divorce:

"I am staying in this marriage for my little girl. But would I want this marriage for my little girl? ...I would never again settle for a relationship or life less beautiful than the one I’d want for my child."

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