If you’re going through a separation, in the middle of divorce, or dealing with the aftermath… then you already know how hard it can be to find the right words to talk about it.
Do you find yourself stuck in negative, time-sucking conversations with your ex?
Caught off guard when approached by friends and neighbors about what’s going on?
Spending too long writing and rewriting divorce-related emails?
Unsure how to best broach the subject with your employer, kid’s teachers or school moms?
Does your whole day get derailed after a difficult divorce conversation, text or email?

Now you can communicate like a boss by knowing the right thing to say, when to say it, and how to say it!
Write and speak with confidence and ease
Save significant time because the words have been scripted for you
Minimize anxiety-provoking communications
Gain control back of your life and your day
Reduce the need to seek approval from others (your lawyer, your therapist) before you hit send
Get the most productive outcome
It may sound relatively easy to know how to rattle off an email, respond to a text, post something on facebook, or talk face-to-face about your divorce, but in actuality it can be anything but.
Does this sound familiar: You start your morning doing all the things: exercise, eat a good breakfast, get ready for work, gear up for a good day ahead.
Then, a text from your (ex) spouse appears on your phone.
It’s antagonistic. Insensitive. And instantly triggers your anger and anxiety. You stop what you’re doing to craft a response. It’s feeling combative. You delete it. You write another response. Now it’s too soft. Should you run it by your lawyer or best friend first? Maybe you should ignore it for now, and deal with it later today? You can feel your blood pressure rising. 30 minutes later you realize you’re late for work and in a sour mood before you’ve even left the house. The day feels derailed, and you haven’t even responded yet.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
There is a way to avoid this incredibly frustrating situation…
To be armed with thoughtful and effective responses to your most pressing divorce communications.
To have the tools to know what, how and when to say what you need to say.
To make your life easier by having the words already composed to help you avoid stress-filled situations.
To spend as little time as possible thinking about divorce so you can get on with your day (and life).
To live with more ease.
To learn the tools that will help you get at the root of the issue with as little time or pain as possible, and with the outcome you want.
The 5 Reasons Why Divorce Communications Go Wrong
(And how to make sure yours won’t!)

Emotion gets the best of you.
Divorce is a time when you’re at your most vulnerable. Your fuel tank is low, and it’s easy to say things you shouldn’t in the heat of the moment.
Baggage, baggage, baggage.
What you’re upset about often has little to do with the actual conversation you’re having, but a whole lot to do with the history leading up to this point.
You’re caught off guard.
You thought of the perfect response an hour after that nosy neighbor ambushed you at the supermarket. If only you had thought of it ahead of time!
You’re over-explaining.
Time and time again I see clients answer questions that weren’t even asked or repeat themselves when one clear response is enough. There’s a skill to understanding the right thing to say — no more, no less.
You don’t have the mental energy to deal with this, too.
With everything else going on, you’ve only got so much bandwidth.
We’ve created a tool to help you have divorce conversations with ease.
And the best part: along with great tips, checklists and attorney-approved strategies, we’re going to give you the actual words you can use for every type of divorce situation. If this sounds like something that could make your life easier, we’d love to show you how.


Save time, money, and your sanity — with the perfect words for any divorce situation.
As a divorce lawyer, I've spent the last 17 years on the front lines of divorce. Every day I see amazing, talented, generous women go through divorce — and too often it becomes harder than it needs to be. I’m here to share every last drop of what I know to help make things easier. That’s why we started our amazing community Divorce in Good Company, and why we’re so excited to be offering DIVORCE SCRIPTS. I’ve had so many women tell me “I wish you could just say it for me!” Well, now I can! I’m so happy to be able to provide everything I’ve learned about effective divorce communications in one easy-to-access place and to help women live their lives with more ease.
Divorce Scripts is the ONLY product of its kind that...
Gives you the actual words you can use, in a cut and paste format for over 40 situations
Teaches you my top tips on how to approach divorce conversations
Is built in a simple to use, easy access format listed by topic
Focuses on achieving the best outcome for you for each scenario
Takes the guesswork out of what to say, as well as how and when to say it
So, if you’re ready to skip the stress and get the scripts, here’s what’s included:
If these conversations make you anxious, you’re in good company. We’ve got you covered with skillful words to use in the most common stressful situations.
Your (ex) Spouse
​​​​When your spouse pressures you to discuss settlement
When your spouse tries to talk you out of hiring an attorney
When your spouse threatens to seek custody of your children
When your spouse threatens you financially
When your spouse scares you physically
When your ex keeps asking you for more parenting time
When your ex frequently asks to trade parenting time
When he doesn’t show up for parenting time
When you need to discuss an important issue about your child
When he keeps asking the same question or pressing for more information
When your ex brings up an adult conversation in front of your children
When your child doesn’t want to go to the other parent for visitation
When he asks if you're dating
When you need to address a safety concern with your ex
When you need to ask for reimbursement
Divorce Scripts is the only offering of its kind that gives you the right words to handle any divorce situation and communicate with confidence and ease. I’ve poured my 17 years of experience as a top family lawyer into each script!
Starting now, you can be armed with thoughtful and effective responses to your most common divorce communications, saving you time, money, and your sanity.
Created in an easy to read, simple format, you’ll have unlimited access to the scripts, as well as all of the great bonus content!
Talking to your kids about divorce is one of the hardest, and most important, things you’ll do. Here are some helpful ways - vetted by both moms and child psychologists - to handle these sensitive conversations.
Your Children
When you need to tell your children you’re getting a divorce
When your children are asking more questions about your separation
When your ex doesn’t show up for his parenting time
When your child asks you for something uncomfortable or that puts you on the spot
When your child shares something that was said to them about you
When your child asks not to go to the other parent for visitation
Dealing with your children’s health, education, and activities may be a bit more complicated when you’re divorced. We went straight to the source to find out how to best communicate with these providers in a way that keeps their focus on your kids!
Your Children's
Sharing your news with your child’s healthcare providers
Sharing your news with your child’s school
Communicating with your child’s provider about an issue/concern
Communicating a final decision to your child’s provider
Confiding in your inner circle is one thing, but what do you say to everyone else? Here are some effective ways to communicate your situation to your employer, your religious organization, neighbors and acquaintances.
Third Parties
Sharing your news with your child’s healthcare providers
Sharing your news with your child’s school
Communicating with your child’s provider about an issue/concern
Communicating a final decision to your child’s provider
Communicating with your family about your divorce can be touchy. We offer straightforward, honest words to convey your needs to the people closest to you.
Your Family
When your family stays closer to your (ex) spouse than you’re comfortable with
When your family speaks badly about your spouse to/in front of your kids
How to communicate with his family
If you find dealing with the new person in his life challenging, follow these tips.
His "Plus One"
When she’s rude or disrespectful to your children
When she oversteps with your children
When your ex’s significant other is rude to you
Having a good working relationship with your attorney — and Guardian ad Litem in your custody case — is so important to achieving a good outcome. We show you how to communicate your needs in a way that’s designed to get the results you’re looking for.
Your Attorney and Guardian ad Litem
When you need more information/better communication
When you’re not seeing eye to eye with your lawyer
When you disagree with a Guardian ad Litem’s recommendation
Your divorce is a private matter but it’s a very social world. We’ve got diplomatic words for dealing with what others post online.
Social Media
When your former spouse posts something inappropriate
When a third party posts something that makes you uncomfortable
Want to see a sample of Divorce Scripts?
Here’s a taste of what you’ll get.

BONUS! You’ll also get…

10 Power
Words and
Go-to language you can – and should - use time and again for the best outcome.

Top Questions to Answer Before you Hit Send
Are you saying what you need to say in the best way possible? This super easy checklist will get you there fast.

Real Life
Pilar helps 6 women say it better with these real-life examples, marked up and edited for you to see!
Divorce Scripts — $299 Value
Bonus 1: Power Words — $69 Value
Bonus 2: Top Questions to Answer Before you Hit Send — $49 Value
Bonus 3: Real-life email Makeovers — $89 Value
When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $506
But when you buy today, you’ll get access to everything for just
a one-time payment of $99 until February 1, 2021.
(After that, it goes to regular price of $129.)

Divorce Scripts is perfect for you if:
You’re just entering into divorce and want to arm yourself with the best tools possible right from the start.
Your divorce communications are a challenging part of your life that you’d like to make easier.
You’re on a hamster-wheel of negative exchanges with your ex and want to end the cycle once and for all.
Your divorce is costing you a small fortune and you’d like to cut down on lawyer time.
You’re the kind of person who appreciates a clear and efficient way to approach tough tasks.
You want to avoid the drama associated with divorce and spend your energy on more positive things.
There are not enough hours in the day and you’re spending way too much time on your divorce communications.
You sometimes struggle to find the right words and would love some guidance on how to speak with confidence and ease about this tough topic.
You love the idea of making an aspect of divorce “easier” any way you can!
You’re concerned how your communications may impact your divorce case and want to make sure you’re handling them in the best way.
​If you said “yes” to at least 3 of the above, Divorce Scripts will definitely improve your life!
Still have some questions? Here’s what people have asked before buying Divorce Scripts:
How does it work?
Once you purchase, you’ll get a welcome email from us giving you a link to access your digital product. On this page you’ll set up a unique username and password. This will give you access to all of the scripts and bonus content any time you log in.
How long will I be able to access the scripts?
You will have flexible access to Divorce Scripts and can refer back whenever and wherever.
Do I need special software or computer applications?
No special software is required, just access to a website. We’ll provide you with the link and log in information.
Can I share my access with friends?
Nope! Access is for you, and you only, sister.
Can I customize the scripts for my own specific situations?
Sure! These scripts are designed to be used as-is or modified as you see fit.
Is there customer support?
Yes, if you have any issues or concerns, you can always reach out to us at info@divorceingoodcompany.com.
What is Divorce in Good Company?
DIGC is a community for women, led by divorce expert Pilar Prinz and content creator Julie Klappas. We're here to bring you inspiration, support, advice, and a great squad of women who get the divorce challenges you're going through.
Who is Pilar Prinz?
Pilar is co-founder of Divorce in Good Company and a top divorce lawyer who leads women through divorce with confidence, warmth, humor, and good-natured bad-assery. Her experience over the past 20 years has propelled her into the national media scene as a guest legal expert on CNN, Fox News, and other national programs. She’s named one of The Best Lawyers in America in the field of Family Law.
What is your refund policy?
Because of the nature of our product, we can’t offer refunds. However, we can offer help, support, and a one-on-one conversation with someone from our team if for some reason you’re not happy with your purchase.
If I purchase Divorce Scripts, does that mean I don’t need a lawyer?
No! Divorce Scripts is not intended to provide legal advice. But it can definitely cut down on lengthy and expensive conversations with your lawyer about your communications.
Are Divorce Scripts just for women?
No. While the majority of our community is female, our content is applicable to all genders - everyone is welcome!
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept all standard payments including debit and credit card and Paypal.
What if I don’t want anything with “divorce” to appear on my credit card statement?
We understand some members of our community may prefer to be discreet about this purchase. For that reason, the statement descriptor we have requested to appear on your charge is “HiGorgeous.” Most banks display information consistently with the statement descriptor provided to it, but some may display it incorrectly or not at all. Unfortunately, we cannot control how your bank may choose to display financial information.
This seems like a lot of money for me. How can I be sure it’s worth it?
Ask yourself this: what would I spend on a pair of good jeans, or a half-hour with my lawyer? The value of having the clarity and peace of mind to communicate with ease can’t be overstated. Think of the hours you can save – and the stress you can avoid.
How can these scripts help me when you don’t know my specific situation?
These scripts were created as a result of Pilar's years of experience as an attorney on the front lines of divorce. We've based them on everything her clients have asked her over the years, and the thousands of emails and text messages she's read (and re-written).
Are these scripts attorney-approved?
While every situation is different and these scripts come with no legal guarantee, yes – they are approved by Pilar Prinz, a top family lawyer for over 20 years.
Is Divorce Scripts easy to use?
Yes! We’ve taken steps to make these incredibly simple to use. Each script is categorized by section and with easy links to access.
Can you remind me of everything I’m getting when I purchase today?
Divorce Scripts - $299 Value
Bonus 1: Power Words - $69 Value
Bonus 2: Top Questions to Answer Before you Hit Send - $49 Value
Bonus 3: Real-life email Makeovers - $89 Value
Total value of $506